The midwifery practice

Links & downloads

Google: Pregnancy and nausea: ‘Zwanger en misselijk’, contractions app: ‘weeën app’, baby’s room: ‘babykamer’.

These days, we tend to get most of our information from the internet: Google, social media, and other websites. However, not all of these sources are reliable. Please bear that in mind.

Good Dutch websites include the site of the RIVMDe verloskundige (the midwife).

We have listed a few practical downloads and links about pregnancy plus a few fun books to read!

"Most people (89%) start their research into medical information through search engines such as Google. Only 7 percent checks the information given on a Patient Organisation website."

consultatiebureau Amsterdam


Apps & Instagram

  • Sprout
  • Rost moves mamas
  • Doula
  • Insta: defysiostudio
  • Insta: sterkher

Films & Books

Films & Books

Midwife on call in case of any emergency and / or pending birth

team Rood 020 2601706

team Geel 020 2601287